Defined as any process other than cutting that improves a gems’ appearance (e.g. color, clarity, phenomena, etc.), durability, value, or availability, with approximately 90 percent of gemstones enhanced in some way, these processes have become an important part of the modern jewelry industry.
In a world where many enhancements are very difficult to detect (or even undetectable) using standard gemological equipment, enhancement disclosure can be confusing for the consumer. The World Jewelry Confederation (CIBJO or Confédération Internationale de la Bijouterie, Joaillerie, Orfèvrerie, des Diamants, Perles et Pierres) is the organization that records accepted trade practices and nomenclature for the global gem and jewelry industry. Under their guidelines, all jewelers should be aware of how the gems they sell are enhanced, disclosing this information to their customers. Gem Adventurer™ always ensures any enhancements and treatments applied to our Gemstones are fully disclosed, and only accepts stable, accepted enhancements or treatments.